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DSLR full form | dslr camera full explain

hello there , if youwant to get my free 11 days to better photography mini video course, head on over to get started right now. Jared Polin, And what I want to do in this video is helpyou understand the mode dial that you may find on your camera. 

Now, they come in all different shapes andsizes so long as they are round, because you really won’t find a mode dial that’s square. So, what is your mode dial? Well, that’s what you select, whether youwant to shoot manual or you want to shoot in the auto modes and I have a couple of differentcameras here to show you how they have their mode dials from a mirrorless camera to twoof these DSLRs, one Nikon, one Canon, and the mirrorless is a Sony. 

So, what I want to do is start with this Nikonright here and you’ll see that it has an auto mode. Most of your cameras that you see out therewill have a green auto mode. It says A. It says – it has a square aroundit. It’s usually green. 

That’s full complete auto. The camera is going to do all of the workfor you and your job is to just go and take pictures. Now, have you ever run into a situation whereyou press the shutter button and your flash pops up, where you are not supposed to haveflash photography, a lot of today’s cameras have a lightning bolt with a ‘Do not smoke’sign, you know, the one with the hash through it. 

Now, you put that on there, you are stillin full complete auto letting the camera do everything, but now the flash won’t popup. A lot of cameras are going to have differentscene modes, anything from portrait to landscape to this little kid who looks to be happy andcheering to a running man mode is what I call it, that’s for your sports mode to a flowermode and then to a night portrait mode. It’s going to vary from camera to cameraand manufacturer to manufacturer. But they’ve picked good icons that you shouldrecognize when you look at them. When I first started shooting photographyas a 13-year-old, I shot a lot of sport. 

I’ve spent a lot of time in the runningman mode. What these modes do is they tell the camerathat, oh, if I’m going to be shooting sports, it’s going to make it have a faster shutterspeed to hopefully allow you to capture the motion and it also goes ahead and sets everythingelse that needs to set inside of the camera. 

But if you are like me and you want to takecomplete control of your camera or more control, you are going to live in the P, S, A, andM modes. Certain cameras name them different thingsbut I’ll explain that in just a second. Let’s start with P. What do you think Pstands for? No, it’s not professional. 

It’s program. It’s in essence full auto but the camerais still doing all the work. When you are in the P mode, generally speakingyou can unlock more things in the menu system where auto wouldn’t let you do that. 

Then you have something called shutter priority. You set the shutter speed. The camera is going to go ahead and set everythingelse to make sure you have the right exposure. Canon on the other hand calls that the Tvmode. 

Now, don’t turn the Tv to watch Tv, butTv is shutter priority. And then you go to A. A is aperture prioritywhere you set the aperture, the camera will do the rest of the work. And on the Canon side, they call that Av andthen finally M. You are going to see cameras that have M on there and M stands for manual. You are in complete control of all of yoursettings. That’s the mode that I hope that you canget into because once you get there, that means you’ve kind of made it as a photographerbecause you are smarter than the camera. Let’s quickly look at the Canon dial here. This is more of a professional camera. It still has an auto mode. 

And if you have this professional camera andyou are using auto mode, you should probably not be using this camera. As you can see, you don’t have any littleportrait modes or running man modes when you get into these higher-end cameras. You have the P, the Tv, the Av, you have M. 

Some cameras may even have a B. B stands forbulb mode and then this one also has C1, C2, and C3. Those are custom settings where you can thenturn the camera to that area and have a certain setting that you already did. So, that’s a quick look at what you willfind on your mode dial and if you are like me, your goal should be to get out of thefull auto modes. 

I’m all right if you are in aperture priorityor shutter priority just to get an understanding and a feel for your camera. But you should try and set an ultimate goalof being in complete manual. And if you are not sure how to do that andyou’re scared of how to get into manual, well, I created a guide called the FROKNOWSPHOTOguide to getting out of auto. It’s going to teach you in three hours orless quickly and efficiently how to take control of your camera, so you can get the resultsthat I know you want to get. To get a free preview of it right now, goto and see if it’s right for you. So, go ahead and do that. I hope this video helped you out and that’swhere I’m going to leave it Jared Polin, See you. 


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