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how to learn html | learn code easy

Every webpage on the internet uses HTML, CSS,and JavaScript. Think of them as the foundational coding languagesof the internet. Just like how Belgium has 3 languages (French,Dutch, German), webpages also have languages. In the case of websites, their languages areHTML, CSS, and Javascript. Sure you may have heard of them, but do youreally know how they work? Web Development is what you see when you goto a website. I call them "Los Tres Amigos". HTML is Hypertext Markup Language, or "TheBuilder". CSS is Cascading Style Sheets, 

which I consider"The Artist". And JavaScript "The Wizard". They are all different languages, and workdifferently. But HTML, CSS, and Javascript need one anotherto make a website. Imagine you want to code this homepage usingHTML. But just HTML. HTML essentially would define all the content,the text, the images, the links. But without CSS "The Artist", and withoutJavaScript "The Wizard": an HTML only website would look like this. CSS adds the styling to a website. CSS can't live without HTML or else therewould be nothing to style. It is responsible for outlining the colors,the fonts, and the positioning of content. Your website will now look like this. 

Now we come to Javascript, "The Wizard". Popup air messages, the autocompletes thatyou use, that is all JavaScript. Now that you understand how it works, andthe "3 Amigos" here are 3 things to remember about HTML, CSS, and Javascript. 1 - they make up what is called "Front EndWeb Development". Front End Web Development is what you seewhen you land on a page, as opposed to Back End Web Development, is actually what makesan application on the web work. 2 - Web browser like Firefox and Chrome, translatethese three languages into the visual webpage. Without a browser these languages are justwords on a page. Sometimes, because of this, website look slightlydifferent on Chrome, Firefox and definitely look different on Internet Explorer. Because all of these Browsers translate alittle differently. 3 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are constantlyevolving. 

It's just like any language. These coding languages have a history. They've been around for a few years now. Right now the standard language proceduresfor HTML, CSS, and Javascript are called "HTML5". There's even a body and a society online thatmanages the rules and best practices of how to build for Front End Web Development. So in the beginning you actually had HTMLcontrolling a lot of visual aspects. You used a "bold" tag to make text bold. You used a "center" tag to make your textcentered. But over time, after the 90s, you actuallyhad CSS making up most of that. In the beginning JavaScript was mostly forpopups and now it animates most of our websites. So whatever you see on the world wide web,you have "los tres amigos" to thank for it. 


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